Friday, June 26, 2009

Why do they hate us?

No, no - not Arab Muslims. Why do our elected leaders hate us?

The passage of the "Cap and Trade" bill in the US House brings this question up (again). I used to think that liberals (as in progressives) were just misguided. And then I thought that they were simply cynical: anything for a vote.

What else would explain the election of a president and a congress who actively seek our destruction? Our economy is in the tank due mostly to government meddling coupled with politically well-connected con-men who lined their pockets peddling financial snake oil in cahoots with idiots being compassionate with other peoples' money. (Compassion isn't the right word unless you think it compassionate to put people into homes they will certainly lose in foreclosure and laying waste to entire cities like Detroit and certain places in the sand states).

We're shedding jobs at unimaginable rates; states are having to borrow to pay mountains of unemployment claims and no end is in sight. The only sector hiring is the federal government.

We've surrendered manufacturing to China - all in the interest of saving pennies here and there (apparently ignorant of the cost of putting our financial futures into the hands of an enemy state that certainly does not have our interests in mind other than to keep the money coming - and they're starting to think that's worthless). This is one of the reasons we're impotent in the face of North Korea, Iran, et al - we can't offend our patrons in Beijing and Moscow. How can we deal with an enemy state that could send what's left of our economy over the cliff with some well chosen words at a treasury auction?

In the interest of "energy security", we refuse to produce our own energy. Instead, we kneecap ourselves with "cap and trade" and all manner of environmental baloney and chimeras like wind power to mitigate a non-existent threat. We retain our reliance on the Middle East and Venezuela - host to tyrants and madmen. As with China, our foreign policy is hamstrung by our reliance on these states - fearing to offend some wife-beating, gay-stoning mullah. Of course, our Manchurian president can't be counted on to project our values and interests regardless of risk.

As we lose job after job, our politicians are hot for another amnesty. Just what we need is to reward millions of people here illegally and who, via the miracle of chain migration, will bring millions more third-world denizens with them. They can then sign up to vote for more liberals and sign up for government healthcare.

For those dumb enough to get jobs up the skill ladder a bit, Tribune of the Workers Sen. Chas. Schumer (D-NY) does the bidding of his big-money Wall Street contributors - laboring tirelessly to increase the number of H1-B workers who come to take technical jobs and to enable off-shoring of work by companies who lined up at the TARP trough.

And then there's health care reform. Just because it's a failure everywhere else in the world is no reason to not try it here. We'll just throw even more money at it. (Britain's National Health Service is the largest employer in the EU. Not the UK - the EU! There's no end to the horror stories from the NHS).

I can't wait for the American version which, no doubt, will be suffused with the same politically-correct drivel common in other government operations. Who thinks that we won't wind up with medical care allocated to equalize disparate outcomes among various racial groups? It may sound ridiculous but is it so hard to imagine that, say, little old white ladies will be denied care so as to divert resources to increase life expectancies among black males (who shoot each other with awful regularity). Remember, it was just a few months ago that anyone who thought we'd hand blank checks to bankers so they could pay themselves millions in bonuses for taking a wrecking ball to the world economy would be thought delusional.

Can it be that all free societies reach a point where people no longer appreciate their liberty? Are we decadent? Are we destined to self-destruct?

I now think our leaders actually hate our guts. I now believe that they think we're living above our station and who need to be put in our proper places.

And worst of all - maybe they're right.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Another victim of open borders

A Denny's in Albuquerque was the scene of a robbery (Fox News) on Saturday morning when four masked banditos burst into the crowded restaurant (9:30am) and demanded money. In the course of the robbery, they scared the hell out of restaurant patrons and shot dead a teenage girl who worked there. Manly men.

Two of the robbers were arrested a short time later. Two more are being sought. It is thought that these bandits have committed TEN similar robberies in the last year.

The two suspects are from South America. Local police are working with ICE to figure out the identities of the suspects and their county of origin.

You see, we just don't produce enough criminals in this country so we have to import them.

Post Zero

This blog is from the "gloomy conservative" perspective. Too many conservatives in the USA are just too darn optimistic.

So, now and then, I will post an item designed to stamp out any unwarranted optimism.

You know what they say: A pessimist is seldom disappointed.